Saturday, June 19, 2010
Digital Portfolio
Friday, June 18, 2010
MySpace and Facebook are more of social media sites to share whats happening in your everyday personal life with your friends. Facebook and MySpace should not be used as a social meeting place for those you work with. I feel that it is unprofessional to share private aspects of your life to the entire world. Things can be posted that could potentially put your job and reputation at risk. It is definitely not a risk I am willing to take. As an example, we were hiring for an position with my department and one of the first things we do once we get a resume is look them up on the Internet to see what we can find. It was simply amazing of all the pictures and posts we found! Some things were harmless but others were, let's just say, interesting.
Working with Google Pages was fun! Having another outlet to post and share my professional history is great! I like the idea but being able to as creative or simple as I wanted to be. I'm sure with the way we as a society are heading into more of a technology based future, having sites like Google Pages will make things more convenient and easily accessible.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Library Thing
I love to read!! Unfortunately, I do not have a lot of extra time to read. This site was cool but I do not think I use it too much in my daily life. I tend to keep all of my favorite books so I can read them again. This website could be useful to get suggestions for other books based on what I have read already. And I could look up some books that I would like to read, someday.
Foto Trix

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Athletic Trainer: Smooth Professional
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
St Fagans - Old School (literally) Zeiss Ikonta 521/2 6x9

St Fagans - Old School (literally) Zeiss Ikonta 521/2 6x9
Originally uploaded by VEB Zardoz the Gravyboat
I have been introduced to many new technologies in this course. I tried to fight the whole Facebook and Twitter phenomenon but it is fun to see what other people are doing. I still do not see myself keeping up with either forms of technology. Although it was a great way to keep in touch with former student-athletes and athletic training students. The University of the Pacific Athletic Training Education Program has a Facebook page just for that reason. We have had a great response to it and old friends are now connected again.
I like the idea of using both blogging and podcasts for my student-athletes and athletic training students. I can post rehabs on students blog with directions and pictures of exercises if needed. Student-athletes can keep me posted with questions, comments or concerns they may have. Also, by giving SA an open forum to express their feelings, it might increase adherence to their rehab program which might produce a more positive outcome both physically and mentally.
Podcasts could allow me to give verbal instructions to both SA and ATS. Sometimes things get lost in translation in a written form of instructions. I could better explain the injury, condition and rehab to both parents, coaches and SA. Again, this can increases adherence to rehab and hopefully get SA better, faster.
Web 2.0
Friday, May 28, 2010
Paris Las Vegas (#165)

Paris Las Vegas (#165)
Originally uploaded by Christopher Chan
I had to post this picture since I just came back from a mini vacation in Las Vegas. Good times!!!
The RSS feed assignment was interesting. It was far easier than I thought it was going to be. I do like having all my news information in one location versus all over the place in my favorites folder.
The google docs program is pretty interesting. There are so many things you can do with it! I write many rehabs for my injured athletes in an excel spreadsheet. With the google docs I can add tables and images faster. Also having the dictionary and translator option can be helpful with some of my international students.
Friday, May 21, 2010
old sunshine

old sunshine
Originally uploaded by hkvam
I thought this had plain beauty. Simple, vibrant color. It's getting older but still hanging.
This has been a very busy week. I feel overwhelmed at the moment but I know it will get a better. I am going on a much needed vacation for a few days next week. Looking forward to that!
School was interesting this past week. Scott gave us some pretty challenging tasks which I completed but it took some time and patience. I like the idea behind microblogging but it overwhelmes me and is very time consuming. I do not plan to continuing with the microblogging in the near future. But is has been an interesting journey.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
I like the idea of being free to create, write and communicate with social blogging i.e. facebook, twitter. Sharing pictures and stories with others seems like a great way to connect and interact with people who share similar interests.
Engaging students to create and utilize blogging increases participation and enthusiasm. This is what we are all striving for in education. Parents, staff, faculty and students can post comments, questions or concerns via blogging so everyone to see. This will allow for more consistency in the learning process.
The University of the Pacific and Fresno Pacific University utilize a emergency response system that is pretty much a form of blogging. I never thought of an emergency safety system as a means of blogging or social networking.
The convenience of learning at your own pace intrigued me. This is once of reasons I purposely applied for an online education. My work schedule is very demanding and leaves little room to attend classes off campus. With on-line education, I can choose when I want to attend class.
Our athletic training program uses a blog-like program to make announce to staff and students regarding upcoming events, classes and changes in practice time. It has been very helpful in decreasing confusion.
Overall, the use of microgblogging can be very helpful in education. It is just a matter of how and when to utilize it.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
My office

My office
Originally uploaded by amatc
This is my home away from home. This is my office at the University of the Pacific. As you can see, its a regular office. I try to keep it clean, free from a cluster of papers. I have an assortment of pictures of my friends, family and some inspiring ones to keep me sane while working. I got a little frustrated with the blogging/flikr assignment because I was confused on how to connect the two accounts. But I figured it out. Finally!!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
First Blog
Today marks my first blogging experience! It's been a busy week but a productive one. Wrapping things up at work and looking forward to keeping busy with school work and not student-athlete injuries.